Title Improvement of Daylight Ratio Calculation Model for School Facilities
Authors Park Sung-Chul ; Oh Byeoung-Uk ; Cho Dong-Hyun
Page pp.35-42
ISSN 12269093
Keywords School Facility ; School Building Arrangement ; Daylight Ratio ; Learning Effect
Abstract The daylight is one of critical factors which can affect the student's learning productivity. The existing daylight evaluation model has a difficulty in reflecting the diversities of school building arrangements in detail. This paper proposes a quantitative daylight evaluation model to improve its reliability and practicality. Through literature review, characteristics of the existing models and their limitations are analyzed. And then, this paper developed the daylight evaluation models that can reflect the features of the types of school building arrangements categorized using case study of 15 schools. Finally, validation applying the model to the 15 schools indicates that the applicability of the model is superior to the existing model.