Title Improving Old residential Neighborhoods through Urban Landscape Agreements - A Case Study of Yong-Ma Community Design in Joong-Gok 4 Dong -
Authors Park Min-Jung ; Ahn Hyun-Chan ; Park So-Hyun
Page pp.183-192
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Old Residential Neighborhoods ; Neighborhood Clusters ; Urban Landscape Agreement ; Community Design ; Participatory Planning ; Design Guidelines
Abstract Housing redevelopment accompanied by overall neighborhood clearance and removal has been popular methods in improving deteriorated old residential areas. Recently, critical issues have been widely recognized as negative results of the total redevelopment. This study appreciates not only old residential Neighborhoods’ physical elements but also its lifestyle in general which is considered as one of the most important landscape today. This paper explores the possibility of the Urban Landscape Agreement, as a way to conserve the fading away neighborhoods against rebuilding standardized apartments. 'Design Seoul Village Project (2009)' is one of the first cases of participatory planning for residential revitalization with the method of the Urban Landscape Agreement in Korea. The whole process of the project, not only the analysis of the selected site, apprehension of the problem and deduction of improvement, but also the roles of the each stakeholder are examined respectively. Based on the observations, various implications could be drawn for improvement of the old residential Neighborhoods, which could indicate possibility and limitation of the Urban Landscape Agreement for improvement as well. The Urban Landscape Agreement itself is valuable enough in that it aims with different methodology for the preexisting agreement for the improvement of environment. In some point, however, it holds some risks, in which its effectiveness could vary accoding to the disposition of the agents who put into practical usages. There should be the agents’ passion, patience, and will to be included in order to make it substantialized.