Title A Casual Analysis on the Sense of Community in Apartment Complex
Authors Lee Ra-Young
Page pp.193-202
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Sense of Community ; Apartment Complexes ; Casual Relationship ; Path Analysis
Abstract There have been many valid researches on variables affecting Sense of Community, however little studies are dealing with casual relationship among them. The purpose of the study is to identify casual relationship among the sources that affect the Sense of Community of residents who live in apartment complexes. Specifically it focuses on the impact of objective living characteristics and residents' recognition of environments in examining the sources. For the explanatory variables, this research uses five categories: 1) residents' characteristics 2) residents' attitude toward community 3) objective conditions and 4) environmental and psychological characteristics 5) the interaction among residents. This study employs the Path Analysis in statistics program Amos 16. By analyzing path coefficient in path model, direct relationship among each variables are identified, and direct effect, indirect effect and total effect are analyzed and establish composited casual relationship among variables. The analysis of the total effect that includes major item of explanatory variables reveals that density(-), resident' cognition of apartment complex, comfort level of community, attitude of participation, life cycle and number of close neighbor, etc are significantly affecting Sense of Community. And direct effect revealed are that comfort level of community, density(-), site area(-), number of households and number of close neighbor, etc are significantly affecting Sense of Community.