Title The Method of Analysis Cross-impact for Value System Design in the Planning Construction Project - Focus on the Urban Regeneration Project -
Authors Jeon Yong-Sun ; Yu Jung-Ho
Page pp.215-222
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Regeneration ; Value System ; Cross-impact ; Cross Impact Matrix
Abstract South Korea has been decrease amount of people who settled inhabitants in the old town and deteriorate the natural function of cities, such as commerce, culture and welfare. In this reason, It becomes aware of the necessity of the urban regeneration project In addition, it should be considered superior plans like a government's plan, city's plan, when project planners or managers work out a plan for urban regeneration project for successful completion while it is planning the procedure. So in this study, we suggested system that objectives and values of superior plan should be reflected in subordinate plan efficiently. And finally we suggested a method to consider cross-impact relationship between objectives and values of superior plan quantitatively.