Title A Study on Noise Reduction Method for a Covered Individual Bunker with Using Computer Simulation
Authors Lee Jong-Chan ; Park Yong-Ho ; Lim Jeong-Hee ; Kang Yoon-Do ; Lee Sang-Ho ; Kim Byung-Sean
Page pp.223-230
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Covered Individual Bunker ; Noise
Abstract It can be said that this research has a purpose in proposing the improvement schemes of the position with a covered individual bunker which is operated presently in the army, and in this position, for protecting the hearing ability of the privates, maintaining the control of the army under command, and carrying out the constant mission, against the noise at shooting. With this flow, the K-2 rifle was used as the noise source, the progress of noise and the alteration of sound pressure were confirmed and analyzed how they progress in a bunker. Through researching the sound pressure of K-2, got information about the time of the pressure and frequency. And then, it was used the condition of internal sound pressure by applying computer simulation. Based on this process, the form of a bunker which is able to reduce the size and alteration of noise pressure rapidly was studied by repeating and analyzing the simulation constantly. To conclude, a new design scheme which is helpful to reduce effectively and rapidly the crashing noise produced at shooting was deduced. In summary, put the aisle in both side of a bunker inside and extend the rear opening from 0.9M to 1.9M.