Title The Establishment of an Emulation Platform for the Performance Evaluation of a Radiant Floor Heating System
Authors Rhee Kyu-Nam ; Ryu Seong-Ryong ; Yeo Myoung-Souk ; Kim Kwang-Woo
Page pp.265-274
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Radiant Floor Heating System ; System Simulation ; Emulation ; Emulator ; Performance Evaluation
Abstract As a number of new control devices, floor structure, hydronic components of a radiant floor heating system are being developed and introduced to the market, the need of holistic evaluation as well as component-level test is increasing profoundly. The performance of the system can be evaluated more accurately and holistically by considering the interaction between a building and system components. The evaluation of a system component and its influence on the performance of the whole system can be conducted by an emulation, which can combine the advantage of experimental method and computer simulation. This study aims at establishing an emulation platform which can provide a method to assess the overall performance of a radiant floor heating system. To do this, the precedent researches on the emulation were investigated for the purpose of deriving a strategy to realize system components in the emulation platform. Then each component in the system was classified into 'representation' and 'evaluation' component, according to the role in the performance evaluation. Based on the physical characteristics of the components, they were realized by three kinds of way (realistic, quasi-realistic, and simulated way) in the proposed emulation platform.