Title A Study on the Evaluation of the City Image Using Multivariate Analysis
Authors Lee Jin-Sook ; Kim Han-Na
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269093
Keywords City Image ; Multi-Dimensional Scaling ; Mental Map ; Factor Analysis
Abstract Most cities are putting forth individual city images to distinguish themselves from their neighbors, but it is difficult to find the process about how these strategies are formed. Thus, the purpose of this study is to produce the city image recognized by citizens through survey and image evaluation experiments and to suggest a basic objective material related to the city image, adopting an analytical technique. Composed steps, the first step of the study is to know about the idea of city image and other relevant studies. In addition, theoretical observations were made about the image analysis techniques used in the study. In the second step, the image of South Korea’s major seven cities were evaluated, in which image maps from multi-dimensional scaling were used to analyze each city’s comparative image. The third step comprised of a survey aimed at the citizens to develop a categorical major image for the subject city of Daejeon and to investigate preferential characteristics through a mental map. In the fourth step, the categorical image of the city image was evaluated through five steps of value in terms of evaluative adjectives. A plot map of the cause points and a profile map of the average points were obtained from the cause analysis, and the evaluative features were analyzed, using these. This study provides valuable implications in objectively evaluating the city image of Daejeon.