Title A Study on Psychological Behavior at Earthquake Evacuation using the Facet Theory - Focusing on the MDS Analysis Technique -
Authors Park Jun ; Choi Jea-Huck ; Kim Soo-In
Page pp.71-78
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Facet ; Earthquake ; MDS(Multidimensional Scaling) ; Behavior Psychological
Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the level of awareness in the ability to evacuate in the case of collapse of a building and the resulting long term damage by using the behavioral and psychological system that can occur in a building in an earthquake that takes place when least expected, and to present a solution. In the main body of this study, the Facet theory used to limit, collect, and simplify the multilateral scope of human psychological system shown through results of a questionnaire. The values that were logged and extracted were interpreted using three analysis techniques. 1. Integrative behavior and psychological analysis using the Facet Theory. 2. Sequential behavior and psychological analysis using the Fact Theory. 3. MDS analysis based on factor analysis of the Facet Theory. By using the three methods of analysis above, multilateral behavior and psychology toward earthquake was analyzed from multiple angles, and reached the final conclusion. The tendency of relying on the first order instinct was found to be very high. Such psychological behavior can sufficiently be prevented and solved through training and simulation of earthquakes and the conclusion shows that national education system and training for personal evacuation is much needed.