Title A Study on Wall Section of the Existing Brick Structure of Modern Architectural Properties
Authors Woo Nam-Sic ; Kim Tai-Young
Page pp.81-88
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Modern Architectural Properties ; Brick Structure ; Wall Section ; Wall Joint ; Exterior Wall
Abstract This study aims to find out characteristics of connection details including the ground, the floor and the roof in detailed plans of exterior walls for brick buildings among modern architectural properties in the survey reports. The findings are as follows; Firstly, the most details in the exterior wall at the ground level are largely divided into the case with the basement and the case without the basement. Regarding the case without the basement the depth of foundation depends on the location of the floor while the case with the basement has thickening underground walls and walls against earth pressure. Secondly, the details in the exterior walls adjacent to the floor are divided into the floor frame and the fire resistance floor. The floor frame shows that the first floor has the single floor, the double floor, and the framed floor according to the size and function of the building at the upper bottom as the long line floor while the fire resistance floor changes from steel beam and plain concrete to reinforced concrete bottom with time. Thirdly, roof sections interlocking with exterior walls are divided into three types such as the type with eaves, the type engaged with walls, and the parapet type according to the type of cross sections. The type with eaves are shown in houses, halls, and auditoriums, the type engaged with walls are shown in religious facilities, and the parapet type are shown in business facilities according to the function of buildings.