Title A Ideological Study on the Variations of Modernized Urban Dwellings in Japanese Colonial Period
Authors Son Young-Min ; Kim Young-Bum ; Park Yong-Hwan
Page pp.133-143
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Japanese Colonial Period ; Urban Dwelling ; Modernization ; Movement for Improvement of Living Conditions ; Housing Improvement ; Korean Architect
Abstract This paper is review about a Movement of Living Development and a Discourse of Housing Improvement during the Japanese occupation period. While Movement of Living Development began in the 1920s. Korean architects were efforting to Improve conventional house. And they suggested plan to develop housing for that time. That plan show theirs thinking and thinking process about improving housing. I had collected various publications such as a newspaper and magazine. And then I had examined the contents of a related article. Through these actions, I analyzed the ideology of Housing Improvement and the characteristics of the Planned Housing that appears in the Improved Housing Proposal. Korean Architects were studying new change housing model to solve the problem of unreasonable conventional housing. New change housing model was reflected Modern housing ideas such as a cultural life, respecting for family life, respecting for privacy of family members, the sense of economy, hygienic awareness. Especially, While maintain the traditional way spatial configuration of conventional house, through the introduction of entrance hall and corridor, they wanted to improve room layout and user's movements. And they tried to design improving housing of modern style through the introduction of compromise between Western style and Japanese style such as a living room, a maid's room, a washstand and a bathroom.