Title A Study on the Expression of Movement in Peter Cook's Architecture - Centered on the Sensuous, Conscious, Meaningful Interpretation -
Authors Moon Jung-Pil
Page pp.155-162
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Peter Cook's Architecture ; Expression of Movement ; Sense ; Consciousness ; Meaning
Abstract In this research, the movements expressed in Peter Cook’s blueprints were interpreted by applying sense, consciousness and meaning, the results were approached by the analysis of completed Kunst House, and the characteristics of three kinds of movements were synthetically deducted. They were deducted through Kunst Haus as ‘sensuous movements caused by digital expression’, ‘conscious movements resulted from a flexible pattern of power and surrealistic representation techniques,’ and ‘meaningful movements brought about by the fluid representation techniques in a continuative relation to the surroundings.’ In addition, the three aesthetic values expressed through the movements of Peter Cook’s architecture, centered on sense, consciousness and meaning, are as following. First, the sensuous feature has the value of sensuous beauty because the background and the shape offer the pleasant experience of the differences in changes and speed. Second, the conscious characteristic has the value of the beauty of form because objects perceive the dynamic patterns presented through them and form a pleasant, visually perceiving structure. Third, the meaningful feature has the symbolic beauty of giving joy because certain images created through materials offer the movements mind or heart catch.