Title A Study on the Landscape Plan through Strength Factor Analysis of the Scenic Resources - Through Public Servant's Survey of 23 City?County in Gyeongsangbuk-Do -
Authors Kim Joo-Hyun ; Park Sun-Myung ; Kim Jong-Ha ; Lee Jung-Ho
Page pp.183-190
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Landscape ; Scenic Resources ; SWOT Analysis ; Strength Factor ; Public Servant
Abstract This study aims to analyze characteristics of landscape and the perception of the public servants on the strength of their regional landscape with 23 local jurisdictions in Gyeongsangbuk-Do in order to build landscape plan. the results are following. First, in the results of sentence analysis, it classified as subject, modifier, and predicate, and each is interpreted as meaning, factor and state of landscape resources. Quality is superior to quantity in modifier. Park, transportation, city, culture, industry, history, population, nature, regional product come out as subject and nature, city, transportation are frequent ones among those. predicate is classified as can develop, possess resources, convenient transportation, geographical point, and possess resources is superior. Second, in the result of sentence format analysis among subject, modifier, and predicate, high quality natural resources is the most frequent one as modifier-subject format, possess high quality natural resources is the most frequent one as modifier-predicate format. nature, culture, and history are associated with possess, transportation is associated with convenient, city is associated with develop as subject-predicate format. Third, in the result of significant level analysis of strong resources, quality is the most significant one as a meaning of strong resources, nature is the most significant one as a resource factor, and possessing resources is the significant one as a state of resources. Fourth, in the result of perception analysis on regional landscape resources, surveys expect to develop artificial resources by using natural resources because the region comprises East Sea, Nakdong-River, and Backdoodaegan.