Title Analytical Study on the Fire Resistance of the Asymmetric H-section Slimflor Beam Concerning the Load Ratio
Authors Park Soo-Young ; Kim Heung-Youl ; Hong Kap-Pyo
Page pp.55-62
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Asymmetric H-section Slimflor Beam ; Fire Resistance ; Load Ratio ; Advanced Calculation Method
Abstract In Korea, the fire resistance of main structural members of a building has to be investigated by a fire resistance test. In Europe, that can be determined by calculating the limit temperature concerning the load ratio or by using the finite element method such as Advanced Calculation Method. On this study, the fire resistance of Asymmetric H-section Slimflor Beam known as having good fire-resistance was checked by Advanced calculation method and the result was compared with the fire test data to verify the accuracy. Then, the changes of the fire resistance were investigated when the load ratio changes and the limit temperatures of the bottom flanges were presented for every load ratios.