Title An Analysis on the Tendency and Characteristic of Apartment on Housing Marketing in the Newspaper Advertisements
Authors Park Na-Rae ; Yoo Bok-Hee
Page pp.95-102
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment Newspaper in Advertisements ; Marketing Tendency ; Well-being ; Energy
Abstract The purpose of this study was to find out tendency and characteristic of the housing market by analysing the language of newspaper advertisement in 2009 and 2005. The contents of newspaper advertisement are composed of headline, subheadline, body copy and caption, and in the advertisement language, there are classified into environment, health, emotion, modern life, investment and function according to their meaning. Analysis of the advertisement language was carried by using Content Analysis Method. The results are as follows; In headline and subheadline, what emphasized was to encourage the investment-oriented which is common purpose to construction companies and consumer. In the body copy and caption, it was emphasized advertisement language the mordenlife-oriended, and they didn't make an appreciable different between 2009 and 2005.