Title A Study on the Campaign for Expanding the base of Architectural Culture - Focused on the Major European Countries' Cases -
Authors Jeon Young-Hoon ; Shin Doo-Sik ; Cho Sung-Yong
Page pp.167-174
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Architectural Culture ; Campaign for Architectural Culture ; Publicity
Abstract The purpose of this study is to grasp the operating direction of the campaign programs for popularization of architectural culture. And the ultimate purpose of this thesis is to promote the architectural culture and publicity by the popularization and activation of the campaign. The campaign is the effective method that people engage in architecture, and supplement the other promotive program's weakness. But the campaign has not been launched in Korea. To advance these studies, it should be considered the architectural policies, executive systems, the promotive programs and campaign programs for Architectural Culture in other countries such as France, Netherlands, Scotland, UK. These countries recognize the architecture as culture and carry out various promotive programs. Based on the survey, this study analyzed the purpose, systems, organizations, means, contents and the effect of the campaign program. The study reveals that it needs establishing a chief public organization. Secondly, it has to be operated through experiential and educational contents that close to everyday life, beyond just delivering informations.