Title A Status Analysis and Image Evaluation Before and After the Maintenance Work on Outdoor Advertisements along the Downtown Streets
Authors Choi Young-Sin ; Lim Che-Zinn ; Lee Jin-Sook
Page pp.183-192
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Downtown Street ; Outdoor Advertisement ; Color ; KJ Method
Abstract The purpose of this study is to formulate the issues through the status analysis and image evaluation by comparing before and after the maintenance works with the focus on the colors of outdoor advertisements and buildings for the improvement of street environment. As a result of analyzing the color before and after the maintenance works of the outdoor advertisement, there was no noticeable change in luminosity and chroma and it was also analyzed that various colors in high chroma were still dominant in the street scenery. The policy to maintain the outdoor advertisements has the positive showing for improvement effect on street environment but negative image still remains for there still was no sufficient improvement made. The results of the image analysis using the KJ method indicated that the images prior to the maintenance were distracted, dirty, disorderly, and disharmonious. Problems noted were improper size, high chroma, and diverse colors in the outdoor advertisements, and for improvement plan, the considerations included restriction of location and size of the outdoor advertisements, color control with lower chroma, and color harmony in surrounding buildings. The analysis of the images after the maintenance work showed that there still was high visual pollution from the high chroma as in the pre-maintenance condition, and it revealed the problems in disharmony of outdoor advertisements and buildings and confusion from overloaded colors, and the analysis also showed that sufficient improvement has yet to be made.