Title A Studying of the Urban Spatial Configuration on the Main Station Areas in Tokyo - Focused on the Stations in Subcenter(Hukudosim) -
Authors Baik Kyung-Moo ; Lee Seong-Chang ; Kim Hun-Gyu
Page pp.295-304
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Tokyo ; Hukudosim ; Station Area Development ; Urban Spatial Configuration ; TOD
Abstract Tokyo is superficially known the fact that to form a system of city around the inner cities is very convenient to use transit. So, this thesis is to research its own character of urban spatial configuration on 6 Hukudosim stations among many stations in Tokyo. To do so, we make, at first, analysis theoretically through the related literature and by visiting about the formation of process, city planning, and the direction of encouragement to the Hukudosim. Second, we analgize on the urban spatial configuration on the 1km radius areas of transit line, where hukudosims are locate, to use Tokyo's building and land GIS data. Through this, we get results as following: First, the stations connect and concentrate on many other lines, and their areas have endow own characters to reinforce the inner cities. Second, through the analysis of roads, blocks, and lots, we can find out that the pattern of the stations areas are very dense but minute. Third, through land use, building usage, floors, and FAR, we reach to that each station areas have own character to form various and mixed usages differently attached on the commonly basis of residential use with having high density. These mean the stations and their areas are conveniently constituted to use a transit. This thesis will be basic data to compare with the subcenter station areas in Seoul.