Title A Study for the Analysis on Relationship between Transit Riderships and Characteristics of Transit Centers
Authors Kim Jin ; Lee Min-Seok
Page pp.305-312
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Transit Center ; Density ; Mixed Land Use ; Urban Design
Abstract The purpose of this research is not only to investigate the relationship between the transit ridership and urban characteristics of the transit center, but also to suggest a fundamental basis for subway-supportive urban polices in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do areas. The result of the anlysis indicate that the increase of commerce density and the location of park in station areas were revealed to be the factor to augment subway ridership in Seoul. In case of Gyeonggi-do, the increase of residential density and the average of slope degree were revealed to be the factor to be related with transit demands. In case of Seoul, the application of the policy increasing of commerce density, mix and creating public spaces should be effective. In case of Gyeonggi-do, as a scheme to increase the density of resident population in the subway station areas, it is desirable to apply the policy inceasing residence density and creating the pedestrian-friendly environment and spaces of urban transit centers.