Title Elastic Analysis of the Steel Frame with Semi-rigid Connection by Vertical Load
Authors Choi Won-Gu ; Kim Hong-Geun ; Heo Myong-Jae
Page pp.11-18
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Semi-rigid Connection ; Elastic Analysis ; Steel Frame ; Curve
Abstract The connection analysis was based on idealized fixed or pinned connection. In that case, analysis method and design procedure of steel frame were simplified and convenient, but it was not practical behavior of steel frame. On the other hand, AISC design code considering semi rigid connection shows efficiency in steel frame design. So, This paper studies the moment-rotation relation adopted by power model considering three parameters and we design steel frame considering semi rigid connection and develop structural analysis program. Then, results of numerical analysis are compared with those of the Midas program. Finally, we find that steel frame considering semi rigid connection is more efficient.