Title Experimental Study on Bond Strength of Deformed Bars in Polymer-Modified Lightweight Concrete
Authors Kim Min-Sook ; La Sung-Jun ; Lee Young-Hak ; Kim Hee-Cheul
Page pp.81-88
ISSN 12269107
Keywords SBR-Latex ; Polymer-modified ; Lightweight Aggregate Concrete ; Bond Stress
Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the bond characteristic of polymer-modified lightweight aggregate concrete with SBR-Latex through bond test with variables which are compressive strength of concrete, diameter of deformed bar and embedment length, and to suggest the reasonable equation of bond stress of polymer-modified lightweight aggregate concrete by comparing with former researcher's existing equations of bond stress. To carry out Pull-out test, one hundred and eighty cubic specimens were manufactured and bond stress-slip responses and modes of failure were analyzed through pull-out test. As the result of this experiment, the bond strength of lightweight aggregate concrete and polymer-modified lightweight aggregate concrete were about 65% of the bond strength of normal concrete. The equation of bond stress of polymer-modified lightweight aggregate concrete were proposed by regression analysis based on the result.