Title Improvement of Design Evaluation Method for the Design Build Delivery System
Authors Lee Jong-Yup ; Hyun Chang-Taek ; Jeong Se-Lim ; Cho Kyu-Man
Page pp.115-122
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Design Build Delivery System ; Design Evaluation ; Improvement Method ; Factor Analysis
Abstract Recently, the Design Build Delivery System showing continuous increase in the bid market, nonetheless, is generating several problems such as ambiguousness of the selection criteria of the object project, inflexibility of a bid and a contract, fairness dispute of design deliberation and lobby for deliberation members, etc. To develop improvement factors about these problems, various studies have researched. However, the improvement factors are a lot, and there is a big defect that is overlapping among them. Also, there is no the opinion of business experts who have experiences having involved in design evaluation method for the Design Build Delivery System. Thus, this study carried out an important questionnaire about the improvement factors deduced through the analysis of literatures and research reports. It was carried out with the target of related business exports. To get more effective improvement factors than deduced that, the seven kinds of improvement methods of design evaluation integrally deduced through Factor Analysis were divided according to each three stages such as in the design deliberation's pre-stage, in the design deliberation stage, and in the design deliberation's post-stage.