Title A Study on the Tectonic Meaning of Architectural Skin by the Introduction of Digital Technology
Authors Lee Hyo-Jin ; Cho Sung-Yong ; Kim Dong-Hyun
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Digital Design Technology ; Digital Fabrication Technology ; Architectural Skin ; Tectonic Meaning
Abstract Facade free from structure was found in the changes by reinforced concrete structure of modern architecture. The changes by new digital technology of contemporary architecture have made skin connected with forms so that the logic of tectonic could come out through skin. However the general point of view about skin is a decorated surface understood from a philosophical and sociological concept. This paper investigates the tectonic meaning of contemporary architectural skin which is not just a decorated surface but is skin that continuous with construction methods. Digital design technologies used at the generation phase in digital architecture are Solid Modeling, NURBS, Blob Modeling, Reverse Engineering, Parametric Design, Algorithm Method, Diagram Method, Image Rule Process and etc. The Skin generated by the digital design technologies mentioned above is lead to production mechanism, such as File to Factory. Continuous process of File to Factory that is possible through digital manufacturing technique is constructed actually through parts manufacture process and field assembly that use CNC machine. The characteristics of generation are realized through the process of substantialization which means the revelation of a materiality and the combined relation of structure.