Title An Analysis of the Behavior Pattern of User for Open Space in the Urban Park - Focused on the Seoul Forest -
Authors Kim Hyo-Kyeong ; Jung Sung-Won
Page pp.37-44
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Behavior Pattern ; Urban Park ; Open Space
Abstract This study analyze of the behavior pattern of user for open space in the urban park through Behavior Mapping and ArcView GIS. It draws on a combination of behaviour mapping and GIS supported techniques of spatial annotation and visualization, to reveal common patterns of behaviour that appear to be correlated with particular layouts and details. As a result, the urban park behavior pattern of user types are classified by a Resting Behavior and a Moving Behavior mainly. The user behavior likes the place that became the shade generally. And the user distributed over the edge of the space. The Resting Behavior was analyzed into high frequency in a group with many few participants. On the other hand, the Moving Behavior was analyzed into low frequency in a group with a few lot of participants.