Title The Design and Implementation for the Spatial Social Networking Service System Using Intelligent Street Furniture
Authors Cho Yun-Jung ; Kim Sung-Ah
Page pp.63-70
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Street Furniture ; Social Networking Service ; Smart Device ; U-City
Abstract Information about the communications and flow of various urban constituents is highly dependent upon its temporal aspects. Mobile communicability, thanks to the advances in recent communication technology, will bring the issues on urban space related with real time communication to the discussion as reflected in Townsend's 'real time city'. According to him, the mobile communication reallocates city resources into more effective ways, maximizing urban metabolism by allowing real time provisions and feedback of information. This research aims to propose street furniture systems which provide intelligent functions integrated with mobile communications and social networking services. By further enhancing existing intelligent street light systems (USL), we have developed a web-based application called USL World. It is an interactive 3D virtual city model which replicates the physical city with USL units. Users are allowed to access both physical USLs and virtual USL Worlds using mobile phone via QR code mechanism. It is possible to associate the social networking information into spatial information with ease, constructing user-created multimedia contents in real time manner on both worlds. Such an approach pose a question regarding the socio-spatial nature of cities as it can significantly reallocates the meanings and functions of city infra. At the same time, this type of system can be proposed as another type of intelligent urban facility. This paper discusses its background and meanings, design issues, development process, and applications.