Title A Study on the Realization and Meaning of Korea Modern Architecture that Analyzed through Western Modern Architecture - Analyzed through Blodel, Boulee, Ledoux / Park Kil Yong, Park Dong Jin -
Authors Lee Yong-Ho ; Ahn Kyung-Hwan
Page pp.197-207
ISSN 12269093
Keywords The Meaning and Realization of Modernization ; Modern Architecture
Abstract The Western European modernization was a process in which various interpretation and analysis regarding classic. Although certain approaches such as the External approach to the classics were not always in accord with the movement towards modernization, this process eventually contributed to the defining of the western modern architecture. At the time, the Industrial Revolution had brought enormous changes in all aspects of the society, and the social paradigm of the period was rapidly shifting to that of a new era. Arts began to transform, but architecture remained untouched by the changes as well. The modernization of architecture had been rather slow due to its firm association with the paradigm of classic. Architecture as a new society is more closely tied to the classical form of aesthetics and the resulting inelasticity made it difficult for architecture to change. Eventually however, resistance to blind compliance with the traditional thinking and unrestricted reinterpretation of aesthetics defined modern architecture as it is known today. It now became the cornerstone of the present day architecture. Eastern society, specially, Korea has been hard to be guaranteed freedom regarding a process of a modernization unlike Western cases. It wasn't able to be free, and independent this time. And this is the cause of an oppressive modernization by the Western Powers. The case of a architecture, these phenomena was clear. These artificial modernization caused severance with a classic. Korean architecture had to receive the western style modern architecture without much resistance or reinterpretation. This unquestioned acceptance of western modern architecture did lead to some achievement in certain aspects. However, it can be said that the modernization of Korean architecture lacks self-will in the process. As the Western modernization was inspired by their self-will, Korean modernization should be considered for realization and meaning in this light.