Title A Study of Sectional Changes in Catholic Church Architecture at Gangwon-Do through the Visible System
Authors Kim Jong-Gi
Page pp.209-216
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Visible System ; Gangwon-Do ; Catholic Church Architecture ; Sectional Changes ; Spatial Rhythm
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate Sectional Changes in Catholic church Architecture at Gangwon-Do through the Visible System. The altar becomes the spiritual center, and its favorable position becomes the point of departure for the design. In the Catholic church the visible system for altar are applicable in sections. Pungsuwon Catholic church not simulated from Yakhyeon Catholic church. Pungsuwon Catholic church was the result of efforts for visible system. The visible system interact by changes of section. The changes of height for coretti and windows of altar led section changes. Especially the changes of height for coretti was also created rhythm of approach. The visible system in Catholic church at Gangwon-Do has changed and evolved by changes of section. The Catholic church Architecture at Gangwon-Do are affected by visible system.