Title Control Levels of a Double-Skin Facade
Authors Yoon Kyung-Soo ; Park Cheol-Soo
Page pp.317-326
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Double-skin ; Rule-based Control ; Optimal Control. Simulation ; Optimization
Abstract It has been acknowledged that energy performance of double-skin systems is significantly influenced by control logic and therefore, smart control of such systems is a 'must'. The existing controls of the double-skin facades are categorized as follows: a rule-based, an exhaustive search, and gradient. The gradient-based and exhaustive search control (Level III control) are most advantageous in terms of energy use, but unfortunately both are not practical in real applications since they require extensive hardwares and softwares, e.g., sensors (temperatures, direct and diffuse solar radiation, wind velocity and direction, etc.), a data logger, a calibrated simulation model, an cost function and an optimization solver, etc. The rule-based control (if this, do that) (Level I control) is most ‘practical’ due to its simplicity, but not satisfactory compared to the energy performances of the exhaustive search and gradient-based optimal control. Hence, this study aims to develop an ‘intermediate level (Level II)’ control to fill the gap between Level I and Level III controls. Level II control does not require any calibrated simulation model and need only 'minimum' sensors. In this paper, the Level II control is elaborated in comparison with Level I and III controls. It is concluded that the Level II control performs close to level III control.