Title A Study on Natural Ventilation Design for Korean Breathing Wall
Authors Yoon Seong-Hwan ; Son Yu-Nam
Page pp.347-354
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Natural Ventilation ; Breathing Wall ; Effective Aperture Area ; IAQ ; Passive Ventilation
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop passive ventilation envelope structure improving indoor air quality and to meet energy saving aspects. In this paper, it has accomplished the natural ventilation design of Korean breathing wall with tiny holes and the air gap in the building envelope with the prototype such as Japanese BW developed by the author. Annual ventilation performance of the prototype was reviewed in conjunction with a typical meteorological data of the site classified with Central(Seoul), South(Busan), Jeju Island. Natural ventilation was calculated using pressure assumption method proposed by Yoshino et al. Under the terms of ventilation, the cases by region were identified with energy saving, winter IAQ focused type, annual IAQ focused type. In case which ventilation rate of greater than 0.7ACH, the percentage is equal or less than 5% on annual ventilation according to appropriate effective aperture area is suitable in energy saving type, the appropriate effective aperture area appeared with 20, 10, 10[㎠/㎡] in Seoul, Busan, Jeju in order. In the case of winter IAQ focused style, ventilation rate of greater than 0.7ACH in winter time always satisfies with 100%, the appropriate effective aperture area appeared with 50, 40, 40[㎠/㎡] in Seoul, Busan, Jeju in order. In case which annual ventilation rate of less than 0.7ACH, the percentage is eqaul or less than 5% is suitable for annual IAQ focused style, the appropriate effective aperture area appeared with 80, 60, 60[㎠/㎡] in Seoul, Busan, Jeju in order.