Title A Study of Establishing Wood Construction as Specialty Construction Business for Guaranteeing the Quality of Wood Structural Work in Korea
Authors Pang Sung-Jun ; Lee Sang-Joon ; Park Chun-Young ; Lee Jun-Jae
Page pp.119-127
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Timber Frame Buildings ; Hanok ; Specialty Construction Business ; Framework Act on the Construction Industry
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the current wood construction industry in Korea and to propose establishment of specialized wood construction business in the Framework Act on the Construction Industry. The results show that the standard for using wood as a structural member was established in 1997 to facilitate wood construction and the industry has been significantly increased over the past few years. Especially, when the number of buildings which had been constructed in Korea had been decreased between 2002 and 2005, the number of timber frame buildings had been increased over 20%. However, the existing wood construction system has several challenges such as poor construction quality, inefficient contract system, high construction costs, and lack of qualified constructors. Thus, this study proposes the establishment of the specialized wood construction business which includes service range, business requirements, and qualifications for skilled engineers as a solution for the problems, and a contribution to improve a quality of the wood construction industry.