Title A Study of the Spatial Satisfaction Index on the Variation Type in Middle School
Authors Kim Seung-Je
Page pp.11-18
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Middle School ; Variation Type ; School Facilities Data ; Spatial Satisfaction Index ; Home Base
Abstract In elementary schools with the class teacher system setting, the general classroom type of school architecture is appropriate since the class teacher alone manages to teach all the subject. For middle and high schools with departmental system setting, the specialized classroom setting is suited since each specialized teachers require unique environment for their subjects. In order to successfully manage departmental school system, several requirements need to be fulfilled. Especially, the circulation of each special classroom must not collide with each other and enough recess areas should be planned for students to feel comfortable between the move so that they can ease any anxiety in school life. This study conducted a survey at the middle schools that are practicing in the departmental school system. The goal is to evaluate the student's understanding of the system itself and the spatial satisfactory index of students and teachers on everyday use of actual classrooms. The result will extrapolate the different conditions of departmental school system. The main study features on-sight survey as well as the interviews conducted with students and teachers. The subjects of the study follow; 1) summary of departmental school system project 2) architectural information obtained through on site survey 3)overall awareness of the departmental school system 4) satisfaction index on spatial use. The survey was conducted between March through December of 2009