Title A Study on Literature Characteristic Analysis of Domestic Green Architecture
Authors Yoon Mi-La ; Chong Jae-Uk
Page pp.89-96
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Green Architecture ; Design Process ; Literature Survey
Abstract Though not a low carbon and green growth is a front policy of the government, recently, increasing demand for the green architecture became reality. To promote for the professional practitioners in making of realistic green architecture, not only for the certifications, an immediate need of useful design guideline for a practical application during a process of design is now further necessary. The published literature and the research papers of academic institute can be utilized as a basic material for the composition factor forming the design guideline. Thus, this study is to propose a direction of future research by an evaluation from the papers of AIK(Architectural Institute of Korea) from year 2000 to 2009 which classified in area of planning, mechanical, and theoretical contents to understand their tendency and the present condition. From the analytic results, first, verification of rapid increasing numbers of research paper in green architecture. Secondly, classification of the biased research paper - the majority of research papers focused in planning mainly related to design, mechanical area related to the results of simply a lab test data, and theoretical part mainly to the evaluation and certifications. Thirdly, biased research paper mostly in the area of housing claiming for the need of diverse study in building type. Increasing numbers in the literature of 'Green' and upsurge its interest, contents of the papers are limited as the design guideline material for professional to practice green architecture which further demands for a diverse direction in green architecture regarding the published research papers.