Title The Nature and Aspect of the Construction Works in Early Kojong(高宗) - Focused on the Shift of the Central of Hansungbu(漢城府) -
Authors Seo Dong-Chun
Page pp.141-148
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Early Kojong ; The Central of Hansung ; Yukjo-Street ; Kyongbokgung
Abstract The objective of this research is to have a better understanding of the construction works at the Hansung(漢城) from early Kojong(高宗) to the modernization period when the open door policy was started. In the previous researches, the main policy at the early Kojong(高宗) is stated as the “Reinforcement of the Royal Authority”. This research divides the ten year Kojong period, (1864 -1973) into three stages and investigates the construction works of each period. From the result of the construction works at the second stage, the central of Hansung(漢城) is shifted from the area around Changdukgung(昌?宮) to the area around Kyongbokgung(景福宮) and Yukjo(六曹)-Street under the influence of Kojong’s policies. Therefore, it is clearly shown that the shift of the central of Hansung(漢城) is indeed a reflection of the reformation policy and direction of that time, and can be expected to be one of the possible ways to understand the latter period and the modernization of Chosun(朝鮮).