Title A Study on the Changes of Outdoor Space in Multi-Housing Complex in Seoul - Focused on the Changes of the Street in Housing Complex -
Authors Lee Yun-Suk ; Song Chi-Hyeong ; Kim Sei-Yong
Page pp.149-156
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Changes of the Street ; Multi-Housing Complex ; Apartment Complex
Abstract The purpose of this study is to find the changes of the outdoor space in multi-housing complex focused on the street in the housing complex. To find changes of street in housing complex, 35 multi-housing complex from 1992 to 2008 in Seoul were analyzed with site plan. To analyze the site-plan, 4 categorized standards based on existing study were applied. The standards were largely consisted of the overall street system and relationship with street. The former was divided into pedestrian/traffic system of overall housing-complex and that of entrance. The last was divided into relationship between main street and open space and relationship between community facility. Results were as followed : Branch-line type in pedestrian/traffic system and non-segregation of pedestrian and vehicle at entrance in 1990's shifted to the coexistence type in pedestrian/traffic system and segregation of pedestrian and vehicle in mid 2000's. even though pass-through type in pedestrian/traffic system is showed throughout all period, branch-line system in 1990's, coexistence type in early 2000's, exclusive use type in mid 2000's. At the relationship with community facility, most of street was showed as a single body type. Considering tree and combined type was shifted to the mixed type at the relationship between main street and open space, the trend is moving toward to the pedestrian street system connecting among open-space and community street. To sum up, the characteristic of street in housing complex changed from separation to integration in the aspect of each components during these period.