Title The Lots-Subdivision Process and Physical Characters in Seoul in the Eearly 20th Century - Focused on a Blind Alley Urban Tissue Type in Insa dong and Jangsa dong -
Authors Baek Sun-Young ; Ahn Kun-Hyuk
Page pp.157-164
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Lots-Subdivision ; Urban Tissue ; Insa dong ; Jangsa dong ; The Early 20th Century
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the subdivision process and the physical characters involved in lots-subdivision in Insa dong and Jangsa dong in the early 20th century by analyzing not only lots and roads, but also buildings using the subjective methods. For this requirement, the logistic regression was used with the data which were obtained by Kyeongseong Original Land Registration Map(1912), Kyeongseong City Planning Written Investigation(1928), Kyeongseong Land Registration List(1929), The disused land registration map(1940). The results of this study were as follows; First, as a result of a shortage of housing, active lot-subdivision occurred in the 1930?1940 period. Second, the subdivision process was not influenced by not the type of lots but the physical characters of lots. Third, the length of access to roads and the number of buildings affected the occurrence of lot subdivision.