Title Simulations of Wind Environments in the Cities by Computational Fluid Dynamic
Authors Yoon Jae-Ock ; Joo Jea-Sung
Page pp.213-220
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Computational Fluid Dynamics ; Wind Environment ; Simulation ; Residential Area ; Commercial Area
Abstract At the city, outdoor wind environment of building circumstance is often changed because of high-rise buildings. We made three models, one of them is a low-rise residential area in C city, another is a center commercial area in C city, the other is a mid-low residential area in S city. To simulate wind environment of these three areas, we used CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) method. For the CFD simulations, boundary conditions was selected for winter season(January) and middle season(October). Mean wind velocity, prevailing wind direction and secondary prevailing wind direction of Korea Meteorological Administration Data was used for the boundary conditions. Center area of commercial zone in C city was modeled as the present layout. The same Meteorological Administration Data was used for CFD simulation at two cases in city C. The direction of air flow around buildings was changed by layouts of apartments and buildings. Sometimes the wind speed increased a lot, and sometimes the air around buildings was still. We analyzed wind environment around buildings with CFD results at low-rise residential area in C city and in S city.