Title An Experimental Study on the Flexural Strength of One-way Hollow Deck Slab
Authors Kim Kee-Woong ; Jin Hai-Long ; Yun Hyuk-Gee ; Park Hae-Young ; Park Sung-Soo
Page pp.43-50
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Hollow Slab ; One-way Slab ; Deck Slab ; Flexural Test
Abstract This study was purposed to evaluate the flexural performance of One-way Hollow Deck Slab through a comparison with the solid slab's and to verify the results of the flexural strength by the linear analysis. For this flexural performance tests, a total of 10 full scale specimens was made. One specimen was the case of conventional solid deck slab. Other 9 specimens were made into 3 shapes of hollow deck slabs which were cycled, rectangular, trapezoidal. Each shape of hollow deck slab was made 3 different sizes. From the results of simple beam loading tests, the flexural strength of hollow deck slab had almost same value with the flexural strength of solid slab. Besides, there was not much difference on the flexural strength and the deflection between hollow deck slab and solid slab even hollow deck slab had changed its size. Result of the tests shows that One-way Hollow Deck Slab was an effective system which is reducing the self-weight and maintaining the flexural strength, compared to solid slab.