Title Reduction of Hydration Heat Velocity and Autogenous Shrinkage according to Retardation of Hydration of High Strength Mass Concrete
Authors Kim Gyu-Yong ; Koo Kyung-Mo ; Shin Kyoung-Su ; Lee Eui-Bae ; Kang Yeon-Woo ; Tohru Takeuchi
Page pp.137-144
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Hydration Heat Velocity ; Micro Encapsuled Retarder ; High-Strength Mass Concrete ; Autogenous Shrinkage
Abstract In this study, to reduce the hydration heat velocity of the high-strength mass concrete at early ages, micro encapsuled retarder that could retard cement reaction was applied, and the changes of autogenous shrinkage and the relationship between the hydration temperature and autogenous shrinkage were investigated. In the result of research, the retardation of the cement hydration process by the micro encapsuled retarder leads to an late setting, with no effect on the development of the compressive strength of concrete. The hydration temperature and hydration heat velocity of high-strength mass concrete can be decreased with the use of the micro encapsuled retarder. A close relationship could be found between the hydration temperature and autogenous shrinkage; the higher the hydration heat velocity, the higher the autogenous shrinkage velocity and the greater the ultimate autogenous shrinkage.