Title Effective Reduction and Disposal for Waste on Construction Site - Focused on Benchmarking On-site Zero-Emission Activities in Japan -
Authors Song Sang-Hoon ; Son Jeong-Rak
Page pp.169-178
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Waste ; Zero-Emission ; Environmental Management ; Benchmarking ; Construction Site
Abstract One of the crucial factors in managing wastes on construction site is to prepare the solution to minimize them as well as to dispose of them appropriately. The method of reduction and proper collection and disposal for waste is still required although the recycle ratio has been improved since the legislation to promote recycling construction waste was enforced. Therefore, this study aimed to benchmark the current practice conducted to control on-site waste in Japan. In benchmarking process, the Zero-Emission(ZE) movement was fully reviewed through literature analysis, expert interview, and site investigation. ZE is composed of four phases according to PDCA cycle. In planning stage, the strategy and detailed action plan are established including a reduction objective, 3R(reduce, reuse, recycle) plan, and disposal plan. In rest of stages, the managers on site set up a facility for collection, execute field education, continuously monitor the status, and take actions to enhance the performance. The application of these Zero-Emission activities to our domestic sites is expected to contribute to decreasing on-site waste and ultimately reinforcing the Green Construction by mitigating environmental load during construction phase.