Title A Transitional Development of Perspective in 15th & Early 16th Centuries - Focused on the Leonardo da Vinci's Study for Eye, Optics & Perspective -
Authors Ryu Jeon-Hee
Page pp.115-122
ISSN 12269093
Keywords 15-16th C. Artificial Perspective ; Leonardo da Vinci's Optics Theory ; Perspective Theory
Abstract During the 15th-16th centuries, perspective played a central role among the intellectual & aesthetic concerns of Renaissance artists. Platonic cosmic view was still valid during 15-16th C., Renaissance turn to linear perspective is the desire to infuse geometric devine harmony into the pictures, showing God's geometrically ordered universe over artistic subjectivity. But Renaissance was the time in which rational arguments joined with rational measurements & calculations. There were deliberate discrepancy between the viewer's actual point of view & a virtual point of view experienced by the viewer in the perspectival organization of the painting. Despite of the crucial differences between mediaval optics and Renaissance perspective, the quest for true knowledge through vision was always present. In this study, I reviewed Lorenzo Ghilberti, Piero della Francesca and Leonardo da Vinci's theory and practice on perspective whose discourse mainly contributed to the development of perspective during Renaissance. Their starting point of perspectival construction was based on mediaval optics. In important aspects, Leonardo stands at the climax of the development that completely realised and investigated the multifaceted nature of Brunellechi's perspective. This transformation marks the beginning of a practice that is a new mathematical and geometric rationalization of the image that radically departed from classical theories of vision.