Title A Study on the Public Rental Housing Policy - Focused on the Low-income Residents of HOPE Ⅵ in the U.S.A -
Authors Lee Geon-Won ; Jeong Yun-Nam ; Kim Sei-Yong
Page pp.123-134
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Public Rental Housing ; Social Mix ; Low Income Class ; Urban Regeneration ; HOPEⅥ(Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere Ⅵ)
Abstract This paper aims for a conclusive implication on establishing or revising domestic public rental housing policy by conducting general research on United State’s Public Rental Housing Policy HOPE Ⅵ and through individual case studies. The analysis framework for this study was set for plan, program, finance, organization and the operating system etc. Additional research methods such as searching documents and the related papers published during 1992-2008 and e-mail interviews with public officials were done. Analysis results showed, public rental housing policies had a great deal making socio-economic support for lower income classes and various classification procedures were made to distinguish the low-income families. Secondly, various means of funds besides the HOPE VI subsidies was established. And for last, move in choices was provided by using vouchers, efforts to preserve the existing community and social unity can be found for the public rental housing. The result of this study is meaningful by making implications on former domestic urban regeneration and public rental housing polices that only focus on physical improvements.