Title Changes in Urban Spatial Structure According to The Changes in Circulation System
Authors Lee Sang-Hyun ; Kim Ju-Hua
Page pp.135-143
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Spatial Structure ; Circulation System ; Light Rail ; Accessibility
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose a method of predicting the changes in urban spatial structure which would be resulted from the changes in the circulation systems, especially focusing on the changes in the density of commercial uses. Given a premise that a better accessibility causes a highly dense use of urban space, a prediction on the changes in the density of commercial uses can be obtained by calculating the changes in accessibility which are created by the introduction of light rail. This prediction will tell us what to do as well as what must not be done for the smart growth of a city. The simulation on the City of Yong-In reveals that there will be developing areas and deteriorating areas as well according to the introduction of the light rail. It also means that it is necessary to brace for upcoming changes for the Yong-In's smart growth.