Title An Analysis of the Landscape Council Analysis and Deliberation in Local Small or Medium-sized City
Authors Kang Jang-Ho ; Kim Ki-Huan
Page pp.177-184
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Landscape ; Council ; Analysis and Deliberation ; Elements
Abstract The purpose of this study is, after landscape ordinance enacted since 2007, to identify the role of City Scenery Council (deliberate and advisory) until August 2010, and to find the deliberate (Advisory) survey of analysis and deliberation (Advisory) extract elements and indicators from 81 projects which were submitted to the Council. Situation analysis and indicator elements were classified in the field of esthetics, pleasance, publicity, and environmental assessment, and especially the deliberation of the user's convenience, the ecological/environmental elements such as highlighting, public space, and the community promotion for publicity was the main target.