Title A Study on the Fire Safety Survey for Preservation of the Traditional Village
Authors Lee Ji-Hee
Page pp.253-260
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Traditional Village ; Preservation ; Fire Safety ; Survey ; Fire Prevention
Abstract Fire causes severe damage directly and indirectly to traditional village and cultural heritage. Particularly at risk are organic elements such as wood, thatched roof, although the high temperatures associated with fire can disappear the cultural building. The major purpose of this study is to protect traditional villages from fire damage. This study made the survey for fire safety in traditional villages expecially Hahoe and Yangdong. It requires comprehensive approaches from both 1st external space and 2nd internal space. 1st strategy are topography, vegetation and climate. The 2nd strategy will be one that fully meets defined the Guideline of fire safety for people, building unit and building complex. For traditional villages, it is important to ensure that fire prevention and mitigation strategy is applied flexibly. But currently, it focused on fire suppression system against fire. By survey, it is identified potential fire risk, for example, ignition sources include human error and negligence, naked flames(open fires), old and worn electrical equipment and circuitry, old or improvised heating installations, older or unmaintained fireplaces, etc. Particular attention should be paid to fire safety education, such as for occupants and travellers, which if not managed carefully, may increase risk of fire. Therefore it needs a comprehensive fire safety guideline for traditional villages considered detailed condition. It can help for sustainable traditional villages to limit a losses from unexpected causes, such as fire, accidental damage.