Title A Study on the Multi-faceted Revelation of the Materiality in Contemporary Architecture
Authors Lim Sung-Woo ; Kim Jung-Gon
Page pp.117-124
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Materiality ; Material ; Material Potentiality ; Tectonic ; Objectivity
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze aspects of multi-faceted revelation about potentiality of material in contemporary architecture and multifarious experiments beyond existing abstracts of fragmentary surface, skin, and form. This various characters about expression of architectural materiality are understood to reveal as multiple tendency. Consequently, The potential materiality acquires the valuable architectural significance through multi-faceted revelation as tectonic, deep-surface, and architecture with immanent meanings. The concept of Materiality in contemporary architecture have the expressive potentiality as multi-layered idea beyond the basic attribute of the material. And the possibility of conscious materiality stand for infinite possibility of presentation. This revelation of the potential materiality is very important to communicate between the architecture and the contemporary society as recognizing device that put in the architectural meanings.