Title A Study on the Meaning of the Human Body in Francesco di Giorgio Martini's Architectural Drawing
Authors Hwang Min-Hye ; Yim Seok-Jae
Page pp.151-161
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Francesco di Giorgio Martini ; Vitruvius ; Renaissance ; Human Body ; Geometric ; Anthropomorphism
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze Francesco di Giorgio Martini's architectural drawings of 'human analogy' on the basis of historical background and to find out the relationship with Renaissance Humanism. Most of his architectural drawings are based on Vitruvius's theory. However, there was a gap about 1500 years between Francesco di Giorgio and Vitruvius. There were also mistranslations. For example, He translated Vitruvius's Human in Circle as anthropomorphism It is the difference which is a key also key to understand his drawing characteristics, on which this study will be largely based. His distinctive drawings and architectural theory will be seen in the concept of a priori ; the method of geometric division and the analogy of human body as functions of urban and architectural planning.