Title A Study on the Practice of 16C Counterpoint in Andrea Palladio's 『I Quattro Libri dell' Architettura』 in the Villa‘s Plan
Authors Lee Young-Hoon ; Lee Kang-Up
Page pp.181-190
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Renaissance Architecture ; Counterpoint ; Musical Ratio
Abstract Renaissance Architecture is a blend of mathematics and music based on strict rules. Renaissance Architect believed that architecture is a science, and each part of an architecture should be unified with the same mathmetical ratio and the ideal mathmetical ratio was based on the proportional system of the number and the musical consonance. In the Renaissance contemporary music, the consonance was extended by the counterpoint and, this extended consonance was also used in architecture. The counterpoint was the criteria of the composition and was used as a method of making music. The aim of this study is to analyze the plans of the villas in 「I Quattro Libri dell' Architecture」of Palladio, the contemporary architect and examine whether the rules in the music was applied to the proportional system and finally to find out application of the counterpoint between architecture and music.