Title A Study on Le Corbusier's Attitude towards Machine in 1920s
Authors Lee Kwan-Seok
Page pp.231-240
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Le Corbusier ; Machine ; Mechanical Aesthetics
Abstract This paper studies Le Corbusier's attitude towards machine through many comments on machine described in his books issued in 1920s. First, it confirms Le Corbusier's insight into the essence of machine from which he had extracted lessons for architects. Second, it considers Le Corbusier's synthetic and omnidirectional standpoints to understand machine through rationalistic, practicalistic and functionalistic attitudes. Third, it studies how Le Corbusier could stand as an well-balanced architect by guarding against blind obeying to machine(mechanical aesthetics) and taking history and tradition seriously. Le Corbusier believed passionate linkage between distinctive qualities of machine and choice, intention and will, implied in machine and used by man who invented machine. At the same time, he didn't forget the position as an architect who could not start his work until his sensitivity and his intellect arrived difficultly at equivalent point.