Title A Study on the Improvement of Domestic Legislative System for Crime-Safe Environment in Residential Area
Authors Choi Jae-Eun ; Jeong Yun-Nam ; Kim Sei-Yong
Page pp.269-276
ISSN 12269093
Keywords CPTED ; Crime-Safe Environment ; Residential Area ; Domestic Legislative System
Abstract Safety of residents could be considered and then increased when we plan, design, and operate a city. In Korea, CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) is currently being applied to new towns. However, it is not systemized and neither efficient, for there are no constraint provisions, and the foreign cases are not specifically customized to the current situation of the country. This means, the introduction of CPTED is an indispensable fact, but there are limits to the budget aids and actual application, for there is no legal base to support it. This study, therefore, aims to find the limits from analyzing related laws and regimes, administrative regulations, and applied cases, and to deduct improvement plans based on examined foreign cases. In this Study, the supporting system of foreign CPTED related laws and regulations was analyzed around the cases of England and U.S.A, and based on that information, the present condition and limits of CPTED related laws and regulations of Korea were deducted. As a result of this study, there were no constraint provisions to apply the design guidelines to actual planning, and there were limits on backup aid and actual application due to the lacking of analyzing the relevant area. Also, an acceptable framework must be arranged by the revision of laws and ordinances to compel the system, and link it with systematized guidelines and private-public cooperation. Furthermore, CPTED certification system and training system for professionals are needed so that revitalize the whole system.