Title The Effect on Mechanical Properties and Micro-structure of High Strength Concrete at Elevated Temperatures
Authors Han Min-Cheol ; Choi Hyun-Kyu
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269107
Keywords High Strength Concrete ; Heating Temperature ; Mechanical Properties ; Micro-structure
Abstract Nowadays, the use of high strength concrete has been increased. However, its dense microstructure leads to spalling due to fire, which causes degradation and collapse of concrete structures. Various attempts regarding optimum solution for spalling prevention of high strength concrete are made continuously. In this paper, tests are carried out to clarify the effect of elevated temperature on mechanical behavior and microstructure of the high strength concrete incorporating 20% of fly ash and 10% of silica fume. 0.05% of nylon and polypropylene fiber was added to the concrete to prevent a spalling during test. Temperature was varied from 20℃ to 800℃, with the interval of 100℃. For the observation of microstructure of the concrete, SEM, MIP and XRD tests were conducted. According to results, An increase in temperature led to decrease of strength above 400℃ and ductile behaviour between strain and stress relationship was observed at above 400℃.