Title A Study on the Ways to Use Vertical Bars of Deck Plate as Shear Connectors
Authors Kim Sung-Bae ; Park Dong-Soo ; Seo Dong-Gi ; Lee Yong-Gyo ; Kim Sang-Seup
Page pp.87-96
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Composite Beam ; Shear Connector ; Deck Plate ; Deformed Bar ; Vertical Bar
Abstract Composite Beams have various effects as one unit structural member of a steel beam and a Reinforced Concrete Slab. In Composite Beam, install Shear Connectors to resist horizontal shear on an interface between two members. And when applying to the Deck Plate Slab, vertical Bars are installed for insure safety during the construction. Therefore, this study attempts to examine the ways to develop and utilize a New-Shaped Shear connectors which is functioning as vertical bars and also securing a higher shear capacity using Deformed Bar and Plate instead of Used-Stud Connector.